Monday, January 13, 2014

Boudoirs are Back! Valentine's Day 2014

What better way to show your partner that you love them this Valentine's Day than a beautiful, classy, sexy photo of yourself? This unique gift is sure to impress and WOW them! I am offering Boudoir sessions in studio and hotel settings at affordable prices!

2013 Highlights

This truly has been one of the most rewarding years ever! To all of my clients: you are all amazing and have inspired me to be a better photographer with all of your stories, experiences, and hardships. I've learned a lot from each of you, even with just working with you all one or two times. Unfortunately because their was so many of you and I hadn't had a chance to update my blog with each individual session as normal, I just wanted to say you were all SO much fun to work with! Regardless of weather, regardless of how maybe your children acted (sometimes their toughies lol) regardless of how  nervous you might have been in the beginning of the session or unsure, I'm just glad to hear each of every one of you enjoy your experiences with me by the end of the session and feel almost of a sense of relief.Weither your a pro at being behind the camera, or it is your first time, I am happy to say that you all were wonderful and easy to work with!

I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for me, and I hope to see a lot of new faces and as well the familiar ones. I would love to continue to be a part of all of your lives in some way because you have all grown to be, not only a client, but a new friend! Thank you all again! From the bottom of my heart! <3